“21 Jump Street” is a comedy based on the late 80’s TV show of the same name. However, name and concept are about the only things the show and the movie have in common. It tells the tale of two young cops, Schmidt and Jenko, who both had unsatisfying high-school experiences. We get a glimpse of the guys in their own high school daze. Schmidt the nerd with bleached hair and braces, Jenko the cool jock with failing grades. The two reconnect during their cop training days, this time joining forces so Schmidt can pass the physical stuff and Jenko the written exams. The boys are sent back to high school disguised as students to catch bad guys trying to corrupt kids. As they trade in their guns and badges for backpacks, Schmidt and Jenko risk their lives to investigate a violent and dangerous drug ring. They end up finding that high school is nothing like they left it just a few years earlier. Neither expects that they will have to confront the terror and anxiety of being a teenager again and all the issues they thought they had left behind.
The film seems to be very self-aware, commenting on the trends and tropes of today’s society and entertainment. The film is a likeable comedy that succeeds in large part due to the chemistry between its leads, but the majority of the humor is crude, vulgar, or based on shock-value, earning the movie’s R rating.
Source: http://www.hollywoodgo.com/movie/21-jump-street-2-547815/
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